Thursday, May 29, 2014

Service Announcement - Music Done Right by Darren Korb

I'd like to direct your attention to the works of Darren Korb.  Previously I put up a Top Tracks post on his song Setting Sail, Coming Home, the ending track to the Bastion soundtrack.  A little over a week ago, on May 20th the game Transistor by Supergiant Games was released which features a brand new soundtrack by Darren Korb.

I implore you to take a listen to the soundtrack even if you don't have the time or want to play the game it belongs to.  Of particular note are the vocal tracks, "The Spine", "In Circles", "We All Become", "Signals", and "Paper Boats".  If the rest of the soundtrack is too esoteric or out of your taste please at least listen to those five tracks.  The vocals by Ashley Barrett are phenomenal and the instrumentation by Darren Korb is flawless.  All five tracks are perfect specimens for how long a track should be, lasting just long enough to make you want more without devolving into repetition.  The entire soundtrack is up on Youtube here.  So what're you waiting for, get listening!  Special shout out, I especially love "In Circles", the complex beat is just so interesting and fun to listen to.


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