Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Musical Discovery - E.S. Posthumus

So it's been a few months since I last did a Musical Discovery post, largely because it's been a few months since I've really posted at all.  But anyways, this time I want to cover E.S. Posthumus.

E.S. Posthumus was a group formed of two brothers, Helmut and Franz Vonlichten.  Stylistically, the music they produced could be best described as modern or 21st century classical music.  As a genre, that may seem odd as classical music generally pertains to a particular time in music history.  However, the music of E.S. Posthumus combined many of the mannerisms and stylistic elements of classical music with drum beats and electronic elements that could never have been used in the classical music of old.

Before Franz' untimely death in what I'm gonna call May of 2010, the announcement was in July and said about 2 months prior, E.S. Posthumus released 3 albums, Unearthed, Cartographer, and Makara all three of which sit currently on my shelf.

I'm not sure exactly when I first heard of E.S. Posthumus but I remember immediately falling in love with their first album Unearthed.  I remember hearing chant being used outside of its traditional context and drums that although forceful and strong, blended seamlessly with the rest of the orchestra.  Deep cello lines and soaring violins, chant that resonated deeply and strongly with me.  Even though they released two other albums I still feel the greatest connection to Unearthed and especially the fifth track 'Ebla'.  While others may not enjoy it the same way I do, I find myself always going back to it and listening to it carefully.

While I know I'm 4 years late to send my condolences to Helmut and their family, I still find myself compelled to listen to E.S. Posthumus and their music has a profound effect on my views of music both classical and not.  Helmut has moved on to another band Les Friction but I could never really move on to give them an objective listening.  In any case, RIP Franz Vonlichten even if I'm 4 years late, I didn't have this blog 4 years ago.  To Helmut, I hope you continue to write music and I hope the world never forgets E.S. Posthumus.  Until next time.

* No audio for this post *


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