Sunday, May 5, 2013

Step Two: HTML

In learning how to program for the web, the first essential element is HTML.  So the question to ask is, what exactly is HTML and why should I care?  HTML stands for Hyper-Text Markup Language and without going into too much detail, it's the reason why websites even exist.  Your internet browser (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.) reads HTML and turns it into a readable format along with CSS.

As an analogy, we can say that HTML is the outline for your site.  It includes things like title, body, and headers along with paragraphs that are used to help describe and organize websites.  And just like an outline, a poorly written HTML file can lead to some pretty terrible looking things.  I won't go into details on how to build lists or tables in HTML, that's for the resources I'll cover.  However, I would like to say that HTML by itself is quite powerful, even without CSS or JavaScript.  But, I will also say that simply knowing HTML isn't enough to make really nice looking and robust websites.  Also, while you can do fine tuning of positioning and visual manipulation in HTML, that type of stuff is better suited for CSS, which I'll go over later.

Look forward to the next few updates which will cover some resources to get you started on HTML.


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