Saturday, May 11, 2013

Step Three: CSS

Ok, if you've gotten this far, you know the basics of HTML.  But now you're probably wondering how websites manage to ever look nice with the clunkiness of raw HTML.  Blah blah you can use style tags and whatnot to position.  But let's be honest, that sucks.

And that's where CSS comes in.  CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, which is a pretty strange name.  However, it's what makes web coding interesting.  By doing relatively simple things and organizing different fields: id, class, etc. you can make really organized and pretty good looking websites.  Don't worry about interactivity yet, that's coming up.  (Note that if you're into the hip, new CSS3 stuff, a lot of interactivity can be done with CSS.) If all you need is a really good looking site that won't flip a shit when you change one line in your HTML, after this section you'll be pretty much set.  (Interactivity is what makes the internet fun though so I hope you stick around.)


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