Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Onto greener pastures

They grow up so fast don't they?  I remember just one year ago, 2012 was just a day old.  We learned so much from that chap.  Sorry to see 'im leave just as we were getting to know him.  Quite rude how we rushed him out the door for little 2013.  However, I hope this one's not as much of a jerk as 2012.

Why was he a jerk you say?  Well for starters we had to deal with that sham of an election.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-Obama.  But honestly, the best the GOP could field was Mitt Romney?  I would be more surprised than not if he had won back in November.  In the same ring, what the FUCK was this?  Maybe at some point I'll go into my personal thoughts on why Congress is broken, but for now, that'll be much more entertaining.

Why was he a jerk you say?  Well, a new record was set for the highest amount of money spent at auction for a work of art.  Seriously, $120 million dollars for The Scream by Edvard Munch.  I'm all for fair spending for art, but the original painter's dead now.  The only real reason to buy that painting is for bragging rights.  I suppose the rich are free to do as they please but if that money was split a thousand ways that's still almost three times the average salary in the US.

Gang rape/murder in India, the shooting in a freaking SCHOOL in Newtown, CT, a mass shooting in a theater in Aurora, CO.  Needless to say, it's been a rough year for a bunch of folks.  Don't get me started about the whole "Mayan calendar end of the world" shit.

What angers me most about the majority of these events is that they're purely man made.  Even worse, we have the gall to blame others for these twisted stories.  For example, why blame the gays?  People are people, and while we all choose to label each other this or that, why does blame always end up getting shoved on people who have nothing to do with anything.  I'll leave my rant on religion for later, but for now ask yourselves, why do your pastors and ministers who preach loving and understanding push an agenda of bigotry and insanity?

Peace out, enjoy the next year and keep your minds open. 
There's only one resolution you should have in 2013: Don't be a dick.


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