
So, you've found your way to my site.
You might be wondering, what is this site about?
Well...whatever I feel like.  Duh.

You might be wondering, what is an "aural abstractionist"?
See, now that's a good question.  You are definitely capable of coherent thought.
The definition of the word aural is "Of or relating to the ear or the sense of hearing".
The definition of the word abstractionist is "A painter of abstract pictures".
When you put those together you get, some guy who does abstract sound paintings?
Well...you'd be wrong.

Instead, I am using another definition of "abstraction".
Namely, "the process by which data and programs are defined with a representation similar in form to its meaning(semantics), while hiding away the implementation details".
Make sure you go to abstraction on Wikipedia if that sounds at all interesting to you.

To this, you might say "well that's just a whole bunch of hokum".
And I would say...you're wrong again.

You see, my trade is in software and that definition of abstraction defines many of our lives.
So back to "aural abstractionist".
The definition here means, some guy who loves both music and software and everything in between plus whatever hell else I feel like.

I guess that means this site is about just music and software.
But I haven't explained the site's name yet...
Oh well, maybe some other time.